Check It Out!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays Design Team Call

It's RAINING right now!  I mean thunder, lightening, and hard enough wind to blow the rain up to my windows on the back patio which are at least 15 feet under the patio roof!!! 


I tried to take a picture of it but you can't really see the rain very well. 

I did get blasted by a gust of rain when I first tried to take a picture, though.

OK, enough about my glorious weather.  ;oD

Yep, you read the title right.  We're having a Design Team Call on Sketchy Thursdays!!!

Check out the details HERE.

C'mon!  You know you wanna!!!! 


  1. Thanks for sending it my way babe!! LOL!!! Its now here...full force!!! You should have seen what I had to do to protect my lo's that I made at Krista's! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Wasn't the rain wonderful?! It dumped BUCKETS on us right as we were leaving the crop, but it think we all managed to get our layouts home safely! We missed you :)


I hope this post made your day a little brighter. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!